

Mounted directly on the vehicle exhaust pipe during its operation.
It is used to reduce air pollution and the emission of health-endangering gases, substances and flavors.
It removes 99.92% of all particles down to 0.12 microns which are formed when the engine is started.

Mounted directly on the vehicle exhaust pipe during its operation.
It is used to reduce air pollution and the emission of health-endangering gases, substances and flavors.
It removes 99.92% of all particles down to 0.12 microns which are formed when the engine is started.

Using the exhaust filter limits the amount of gases, substances and flavors emitted during machine operation. It reduces the amount of mutagenic and carcinogenic substances as well as those that cause various types of allergic reactions.

By using the exhaust filter you can easily prevent the deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polycrystalline organic materials (POM) in the workshop room which adhere to exhaust gas particles and are difficult to remove.

When using the above filter you don’t have to worry about air quality and cleanliness in your workshop – P15, L20 removes 99.92% of all particles down to 0.12 microns that are formed when the engine is started.

Installation of the filter takes place directly on the exhaust pipe of the moving vehicle. It is used to start the vehicle and move it at low speed in enclosed areas.